02/05/25 - Lt Galloway
New photos donated by sister of Lt Arthur Galloway Jr.
Click Here
11/21/24 - Tom O'Hara
Recent news of Tom O'Hara passing.
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11/12/24 - Jack Fielding
Recent news of Jack Fielding passing in 2022.
Click Here
10/25/24 - Don Wargi
Recent news of Don Wargi passing.
Click Here
07/28/24 - D-Troop reunion being planned
2025 Reunion plans being made for D.C.
Click Here
12/23/23 - Tail roror chain bracelet
See more information about Mr. Chester Brozell, Jr who made a tail rotor watch.
Click Here
07/29/23 - Message Board is back
Our D-Troop Message Board is up and running. Please use this to ask questions and convey related information.
Click Here
07/13/23 - Huey Found
D-Troop Huey UH-1H (67-17340) on display in TrĂ Vinh, Vietnam
Click Here
04/28/23 - Vietnam Week 2023
The Fargo Air Museum partnered with Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 941 is hosting Vietnam Memorial Week April 29 through May 5.
Click Here
05/20/22 - 1995 Nashville Reunion Photos added.
Finally got photos from the 1995 Nashville Reunion. Thanks to Pepe. Check them out.
Click Here
05/03/22 - LOH 69-15966 Restoration
The remains of one of our LOH's was found and Mr. Lyle Strader hopes to restore the ship at his hanger in Bakersfield, CA.
Click Here
04/22/22 - San Antonio Reunion Success
The reunion was a huge success. See photos.
Click Here
03/22/22 - Song by Jack Murphy
Check out the YouTube site for the song Jack Murphy wrote and sings. Was with the 199th LIB. 69-70
Click Here
02/27/22 - In Memory of Cliff Heaverne
Heard from the Heaverne family that Cliff passed away this past January 2021. He will be missed.
02/27/22 - In Memory of Ron Walker
We lost one of our Scouts in January 2022.
02/18/22 - In Memory of Bob Letchworth
I was given information about our loss of Bob who passed away in 2021
02/14/22 - Website modifications
Just spent a few days updating some of the website pages. Hope you enjoy.
08/14/21 - In Memory of Dennis Place
Received word of the passing of Dennis Place (Blues) on July 17, 2021.
06/09/21 - Missouri's National Veterans Memorial
Be sure to take a look at this fine Veteran's Memorial.
Visit Site
06/05/21 - New Las Vegas 2018 Reunion Photos have been added
Roger Wise has contributed his reunion photos.
See photos
05/26/21 - Reunion in San Antonio
We now have information regarding the 2022 reunion being held in San Antonio, Texas. Click to see more details
. Reunion
04/26/21 - Remembering our fallen
Added a long overdue new page to see photos our fallen hero's. Some of the finest soldiers and among the bravest. Be sure to visit and say a quick prayer
. Photos
10/26/20 - Passing of Richard Learned
I just received word that Rich Learned passed away suddenly at his home in Massachusetts. Rich was a Door Gunner and Crew Chief with the Scout platoon. We spent many afternoons running over to the beach for some earned relaxation. He was a great guy and will be missed by all.
See his Photo Gallery.
Photos Obituary
10/25/20 - Veterans Legacy Memorial
The National Cemetary Administration now has a place where you can leave tributes or comments on a veteran's memorial page. Create your account by going to va.gov/remember and then you can leave your own personal tribute to a veteran. You can search by name, service branch, war period or cemetary. Remember our fallen soldiers.
10/25/20 - Donate to your favorite charity
AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. AmazonSmile is available at smile.amazon.com on your web browser and can be activated in the Amazon Shopping app for iOS and Android phones. When you shop Amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added benefit that AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. You can choose from over one million organizations to support.
Learn More
09/10/20 - Just IN - New Guns Bumper Stickers
Our D-Troop items are selling quite fast and I needed to order more bumper stickers for the Guns. Slight change to the original. Also ran out of Challenge coins and D-Troop patches awhile back, and recently re-orderd a fresh supply. Be sure to get your order in.
Click Here
08/08/20 - Wood Carved American Flags
Lorenzo Liberti (a young high school student), is hand carving American flags out of wood. Take a moment to look over his work and I hope you too will find this fine young man worth your support.
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08/07/20 - Veteran Burial Information
Here is some information from the American Legion magazine I hope you will find helpful for you and your family. Please take a minute to look it over.
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06/03/20 - New Page
Just implemented a new page for those seeking information about family members, friends, or old army buddys that served with D-Troop from 1968 to 1972. I've had many requests over the years and now, with any luck and participation, others will be able to contribute to the reuest. Please check the Searching page regularly.
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05/23/20 - New reunion plans
Since the 2020 Cruise reunion had to be cancelled due to the Corona Virus outbreak, we now have a new plan in place. Depending on how the Virus Pandemic pans out, we are hoping for our reunion to be the Fall of 2021. More plans to come.
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05/16/20 - Passing of Loren W Nichols
Received more sad news of the loss of Loren W Nichols. Loren was a scout pilot with D-Troop from68-70.
05/04/20 - Passing of John Razor
Received sad news of the loss of our fellow trooper, John Rasor. John passed away in Bremen, OH on Mar 03, 2020 See his D-Troop photos by clicking the button.
04/28/20 - New photos from SSG G Smith
New photos were donated by the late George Smith's son Dave.
04/26/20 - Pre-Need Burial Article
The American Legion published an article to help prepare you and your family for burial arrangements.
Read more
04/23/20 - New Search for me section
Just introduced a new page for member searches. Anyone can use this page to request member searching assistance. Only for family and friends of our members.
04/20/20 - Brand new D-Troop Guestbook
Just introduced my new D-Troop guestbook. Still have the availability to see the old "Archived" guestbook. Be sure to sign your name to the book.
10/17/19 - New Agent Orange news
In the September 2019 issue of the American Legion magazine, I found new information about possible accepted disorders caused from Agent Orange exposure. AMERICAN LEGION NATIONAL COMMANDER CLARENCE HILL responded to VA Secretary Eric Shinseki's decision to increase the number of diseases believed to have been caused by Agant Orange exposure in the Vietnam War... He wrote: "We will continue to work with medical experts to explore connections between Agent Orange and respiratory disorders such as asthma, pleurisy, pneumoia and tuberculosis, as well as gastrointestinal diseases, liver toxicity, thyroid disease, homeostasis, endometriosis and others. It should be remembered that Agent Orange exposure was not limited to just 'boots on the ground' in-country. Veterans exposed to Agent Orange included blue-water Navy sailors, among others. They, too, deserve the care and benefits to be afforded other victims."
10/04/19 - D-Troop Mugs available
I've just added special D-Troop mugs to our giftshop items. The mug has our D-Troop patch logo proudly displayed on one side. Be sure to get yours before they run out. Sorry to have the shipping charge added, but the post office really socks it to me.
View Here
09/19/19 - Giftshop updated
Our giftshop is now easier than ever to order. You can simply use PayPal or by check for items we have to offer.
View Here
05/17/19 - Jeanguenat photos
Mike Jeanguenat photos are now online for viewing. Thank you to his son Aaron for sharing Mike's photos with us.
View Here Obituary
03/20/19 - Website donations
It's time once again. If you would like to help support the cost of maintaining our D-Troop website, you can donate using the button above.
Thanks for your support.
03/13/19 - 2020 Reunion
Our D-Troop reunion has been scheduled for April 20, 2020 - April 24, 2020 with Royal Caribbean Cruise lines out of Port Canaveral, FL. Hurry and make your reservations now.
View Here
01/29/19 - James R Kinkead
Door Gunner & Crew Chief, James Kinkead passed away on Dec 22, 2018. Had a lot of good times and funny incidents with Jim. He will be missed.
12/19/18 - Jerry Brown
Got news that Jerry Brown passed away last November. Was a Cobra pilot 69-70
06/10/18 - Upcoming book
A Wisconsin writer is featuring Wisconsin's Missing in Action Servicemen from Wisconsin. Among the servicemen she is remembering is CWO William Pierson III who was a member of DTroop. Take a look at her Press Release.
View Here
05/23/18 - Reunion
The DTroop reunion in Las Vegas was a huge success. Photos of the reunion will be on the website very soon.
Coming soon
04/14/18 - Bill Haynie
Bill Haynie recently passed away. He lived in Clinton, MO and served with the Maintenance group. He will be missed at our upcoming Las Vegas reunion.
In Memory
04/01/18 - Arlington Memorial
The Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association spearheaded the effort, working with Arlington National Cemetery and Congress to get the monument approved.
Read More
05/17/18 - Damien Robert Hutar
Just received word that we lost another trooper on Friday, November 24, 2017. Damien Robert "Bobbo" Hutar, 66 of Ely, passed away after a battle with cancer at the Boundary Waters Care Center in Ely, MN.
04/28/17 - Jay Klein
Sad news hearing that Jay Klein passed away April 16, 2017. Jay was with the Scouts and lived in North Dakota. Jay will be deeply missed.
Photos Obituary
04/02/17 - Website Hacked
Great April Fools joke. I noticed the website had been hacked and was in Chinese (or something similar). Shouldn't be a problem now.
03/23/17 - Guestbook has been restored
After several months of issues with my guestbook, it's finally fixed. Hope you'll take time to sign if for me.
01/04/17 - Reunion date scheduled
The reunion committee has tentatively set May 13-15, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada as the date and place for our next D-Troop reunion. Please check back later for more details.
10/12/16 - Story Submittal fixed
After being broken for some time, I finally fixed my story submittal page. Take a moment to submit a story. Only takes a minute to share a memory.
Submit here
10/12/16 - Kipper news
Just received word of the loss of Timothy Michael Kipper who served with D-Troop 70-71 as a pilot with the Gun platoon. He passed away on 01/02/2015 due to cancer.
He will be greatly missed.
6/10/16 - Visit to Vietnam
Chuck Abbot, DJ Miner and I have been talking about visiting Vietnam in early November. The trip would involve meeting in Hanoi for three days or so with trips to Halong Bay, Hanoi Hilton, Museums, and a side trip or two to points of interest. We would then fly to Danang for about a week with the hotel being on or near the beach in Hoi An and trips to Chu Lai, Hue, Marble Mountain, Danang and some historical sites.
We have not fully committed yet but wanted to know if anyone else is interested in talking such a trip. If so, we could agree on side trips and activities and make it a bit of a mini-reunion. The cost should be lower than a package commercial tour.
My plans were to cease operation of the D-Troop website. After getting feedback about the site and hearing suggested recommendations, I've decided to add the DONATE button to the site. If this helps, I will continue hosting and maintaining the site. All proceeds will go toward the operational costs of the website and any surplus will be used toward D-Troop functions as deemed relevant. Thanks to everyone that has donated so far. Your generous contributions are greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your participation.
4/01/16 - Website update
Beginning May 20, 2016 my D-Troop website will be shutting down. I've had a great time hosting and being involved with our members for the past 15 years. Due to growing costs for software and seemingly lack of participation, I've decided to shut down. I've enjoyed every moment.
I wish you all the best. Please keep in touch.
03/12/16 - News about Vietnam Disabilities
Ken Tomlinson (Jun71-Jun72) has prepared an informational document regarding Vietnam Disabilities. Please take a look at it. Hopefully it can assist you or a friend in getting the service connected disability you deserve.
to download the Vietnam Disabilites Document
Vietnam Disabilites Document
05/06/16 - Remembering Michael Jeanguenat
Just received sad news that Michael "Frenchy" Jeanguenat passed away May 6, 2016.
Four decades after the Vietnam War ended, the U.S. government is finally cleaning up the toxic mess it left behind.By The Week Staff | September 7, 2012
What is Agent Orange?
Named for the orange-striped barrels in which it was shipped, Agent Orange is an herbicide that the U.S. military used during the Vietnam War to destroy enemy food crops and kill jungle vegetation that concealed North Vietnamese forces. Beginning in 1961, U.S. and South Vietnamese forces sprayed 20 million gallons of it and other herbicides over vast areas of South Vietnam and parts of Laos and Cambodia. The spraying denuded more than 8,600 square miles of jungle and cropland. The U.S. military stopped using Agent Orange in 1971 after the National Institutes of Health found that it contained a chemical contaminant that caused birth defects in lab animals. By then, hundreds of thousands of U.S. soldiers and millions of Vietnamese civilians had been in contact with the stuff, many of them so oblivious to its dangers that they bathed in water stored in the empty barrels.