D-Troop Locator

1st Squadron / First Cavalry - First Regiment of Dragoons
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for the sole use of D-Troop members.

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Listed below is a list of those already registered.
Please include your name to the list by using the Contact Submission form.

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Aakre, K Brunger, D Gering, Z King, R O'Brien, D Smaagaard, A
Abbott, C Burroughs, M Gillespie, K Klase, D Olson, D Smith, G
Adams, D Campbell, M Gonzalez, R Klein, J Otto, A Smith, M
Aldridge, R Cannedy, P Goode, R Krehbiel, G Ouellette, L Spodeck, W
Alejandro, J Cantrell, A Granrud, J LaFleur, D Parr, J Stebbins, R
Allen, JE Carr, C Graumann, L Lane, R Parsons, F Stephensen, L
Allen, JM Caudle, D Greene, P Lappos, N Patrick, E Stinson, V
Alveari, K Chituck, B Groom, G Large, P Pavkov, M Stone, J
Alyea, D Christen, P Gustin, M Lauenstein, J Petersen, J Sturgeon, C
Anderson, J Clark, L Guzman, M Layton, M Peterson, M Summers, D
Anderson, JF Clover, S Hamblett, V Learned, R Piwko, B Tomlinson, K
Anderson, R Cochran, J Hamilton, T Lebredo, R Place, D Trubak, J
Applegath, J Coleman, W Hansen, C Lucas, J Ponsness, D Tucker, B
Astrouski, J Collin, H Hardin, J Lundy, M Ramirez, F Villa, L
Bailey, B Coody, O Harris, C Lutz, J Rasor, J Walker, M
Bamford, R Crosby, R Harris, J Mahoney, J Rexroat, D Walker, R
Barnes, T Curtis, M Hatcher, G McCann, L Richards, G Walters, L
Barrett, J Davenport, H Hawkins, D McClain, R Rinke, F Walters, W
Bauman, M Dixon, B Hayes, N McCoy, G Rivas, R Wargi, D
Baxter, C Doll, B Hayslett, T McCue, J Roberson, R Waters, T
Bean, R Dunnock, S Heil, M McDermott, D Roberts, L Watters, D
Beck, M Eiss, J Henry, D McDonald, G Rodriguez, C Whitford, B
Black, H Elderbaum, R Henry, J McGarrh, H Rose, K Wilde, M
Boda, F Elliot, B Henry, M McKinney, M Rosmaryn, T Wilhite, D
Bootle, B Farrell, J Hernandez, J McKnight, D Ross, B Williams, M
Bosch, J Farrell, K HerrNeckar, E Merrill, P Russell, J Wilson, W
Bouldin, E Fielding, J Hester, D Merritt, B Ryan, R Wingate, R
Boyle, B Fischer, C Hickman, G Michaud, S Schiermeyer, L Winter, D
Braden, R Fletcher, J Higginbotham, F Miller, T Schmieding, J Wise, R
Branard, T Fluhr, G Hilton, T Miner, D Schroeder, R Wolf, R
Bridgers, J Foster, B Holloway, D Mock, R Schwab, H Wood, B
Brightwell, R Frazier, D Howell, R Moline, G Schwartz, D Wray, J
Brittingham, A Freeman, P Hughes, E Montgomery, J Selby, J Yaramishyn, G
Brizendine, A Furman, J Hutchinson, L Muir, J Sharp, M  
Brooks, B Galloway, J Jeanguenat, M Nichols, L Sicinski, J  
Brown, J Garcia, M Jones, R   Sloan, L  
Brown, P Gastelum, J      